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Transitions in Southeastern Europe

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Part one:

Theoretical perspectives of transitions.

Part two:

Pre-Communist and Communist legacies in Southeastern Europe.

Part three:

The collapse of Communist power, revolutions of 1989-91 in theory and case studies.

Part four:

Early post-Communism: political, electoral, institutional, economic, social policies, elite change, international allegiances, nationalism and ethnic politics.

Part five:

Perspectives on post-Communist democratization.

Case studies: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia,Montenegro, Romania, Serbia.

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Despite the similarities of the former Communist regime, the transition process in most of the countries, once all "Communist", is characterized by deep differences in political, economic and social areas. Southeastern European countries present a set of uniqueness in this process.

This course will seek to explain the influence that historical, international and domestic factors, have had in the different transition paths each of the countries in this region is undergoing.

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