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Women and Politics

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Charles University: May 2008 Block Course


Instructor: Christine Day

The University of New Orleans

In this course we will study women in politics?as participants and political leaders?as well as women and politics?their representation in political systems and political issues of special concern. Class readings and discussions are grounded in various approaches to feminist theory. While the primary focus is on women in the U.S. and Europe, we will also study the political role and status of women globally. Major objectives of the course include: a stronger understanding of feminism and feminist theory, knowledge of the role of gender in politics and of women?s political achievements, and appreciation for cross-national and cross-cultural differences in gender relations.

Following is a list of daily readings and topics of discussion. Readings are provided on CD.

May 20

Feminism and Political Theory

Valerie Bryson, Feminist Debates, chapter 2: ?Feminist Theories Today? (1999).

May 21

Social Movements for Women?s Rights

Akhil Reed Amar, ?How Women Won the Vote,? Wilson Quarterly 29:3 (2005).

Elaine Hall and Marnie S. Rodriguez, ?The Myth of Postfeminism,? Gender and Society 17:6 (2003).

Jirina Siklova?, Foreword to Zora Butorova et al., She and He in Slovakia (1996).

May 22

Women and Political Representation

Jane Mansbridge,? ?Should Blacks Represent Blacks and Women Represent Women? A Contingent ?Yes?,? Journal of Politics 61:3 (1999).

Cal Clark and Janet Clark, ?The Gender Gap in the Early 21st Century: Volatility from Security Concerns,? in Lois Duke Whitaker, Women in Politics, 4th ed. (2006).

[Susan Howell and Christine Day, ?Complexities of the Gender Gap,? Journal of Politics 62:3 (2000) (this one is optional)].

May 23

Issues: Employment and Economic Equality

?Why Welfare?? The Economist, March 13, 2004.

Angelika von Wahl, ?Liberal, Conservative, Social Democratic, or ? European?? Social Politics 12:1 (2005).

May 26

Issues: Sexuality, Human Trafficking, and Reproductive Rights

Joyce Outshoorn, ?The Political Debates on Prostitution and Trafficking of Women,? Social Politics 12:1 (2005).

Deborah McFarlane and Kenneth Meier, ?Contraception and Abortion: A Historical Overview,? ch. 2 in The Politics of Fertility Control (2001).

May 27

Multicultural and Global Gender Issues

Tabassum F. Ruby, ?Listening to the Voices of Hijab,? Women?s Studies International Forum 29:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2006).

May 28

Gender and World Politics

V. Spike Peterson and A.S. Runyan, ?A Stark Picture,? Harvard International Review 16:4, Fall 1994.

May 29

Final Exam

May 30

Distribution of Final Grades



Instructor: Christine Day

The University of New Orleans

In this course we will study women in politics?as participants and political leaders?as well as women and politics?their representation in political systems and political issues of special concern. Class readings and discussions are grounded in various approaches to feminist theory. While the primary focus is on women in the U.S. and Europe, we will also study the political role and status of women globally. Major objectives of the course include: a stronger understanding of feminism and feminist theory, knowledge of the role of gender in politics and of women?s political achievements, and appreciation for cross-national and cross-cultural differences in gender relations.

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