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US National Security and Intelligence Systems

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Block of lectures

Monday, March 17: 12.30 - 15.20 J3014

Tuesday, March 18: 11.00 - 12.20 J4019

Wednesday, March 19: 11.00 - 13.50 J4020

Examination of How the US National Security and Intelligence Systems Functioned:

A. During the Cold War and Why (1945-1991)

This module :

? Roles of CIA, FBI, US Military and NSA.

? Limited discussion of Covert Action as a tool of Foreign Policy

? The Vietnam War era ? National Security Issues: Domestic and Foreign o Anti-War Movement o Missteps on the part of Intelligence and Law Enforcement & US Executive

? Operations CHAOS, CoIntelPro and Shamrock

? Importance of the Free Press in the USA at this juncture and its role related to National Security and Intelligence activities o Pentagon Papers o ?Family Jewels?

? Introduction of the intelligence oversight process o Church and Pike Commission Reports

? Creation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

NOTE: While not considered a scholarly source, is often a good source for general overview, introductory information on the topics we will touch on. It contains excellent links and references to primary sources as well. Please feel free to use Wikipedia when researching general topics such as the ?Pentagon Papers?. simply use the SEARCH box. Entries in Czech language are also available.

The US Constitution: pp. 1-20 Basics on structure of US Government per the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments)

Overview of US Intelligence Community (all sections)

Be sure to skim the homepages of major organizations such as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

The FBI, etc.

National Security Act of 1947 (Study key points: organizations, players and authorities/responsibilities)

The basics of Covert Action as a tool of Foreign Policy

B. Following the Cold War (Post 1992 ? emphasizing the changes and reforms motivated by the end of the Cold War) Remember these are the views from more than 10 years ago.

? Change in threat: from nation-state to transnational

? Counter-proliferation (weapons of mass destruction), Global Organized Crime, Counter-narcotics, Counter-Terrorism.

? US. Government reviews the intelligence and law enforcement establishments

? What was the government?s motivation for these reviews? Political or substantive? What did they determine?

? Coordination (proposed) between Law Enforcement and Intelligence


Aspin Brown Commission

Expert views on transnational threats and missions for Intelligence in the Post Cold War Era:

Remarks by John C. Gannon Chairman, National Intelligence Council to the

World Affairs Council Washington, D.C. June 4, 1998

"Intelligence Challenges for the Next Generation"

Worldwide Threat Assessment Brief to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence by the Director of Central Intelligence, John M. Deutch. 22 February 1996

Conference on Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Weapons Proliferation and Terrorism

Dr. John M. Deutch - Director, Central Intelligence Agency. 26 May 1996

Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee on International Organized Crime by David Carey, Director, DCI Crime and Narcotics Center on 31 January 1996

Combating International Terrorism

C. Study the dramatic changes in the US National Security and Intelligence systems following the Terrorism attacks of 9/11 (2001-2007)

Executive and Public reaction to the attacks.

? Primary ?Reform? documents or events following 9/11 (this is the tip of the iceberg)

? The USA Patriot Act

The USA Patriot Act: The Basics

? Creation of the Department of Homeland Security

? The so-called 9/11 Commission (read chs. 10-13)


? Coordination (proposed) between Law Enforcement and Intelligence

? FBI reorganization

? Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act: (pp 1-75)

? White House National Security Strategies

? Commission on Intelligence Capabilities of the United States regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

D. Conclude with current issues in this field as of March 2008

? Intelligence, National Security and the Global War on Terror o New or amended laws o Results of Reforms enacted post 9/11 (score card)

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