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European Public Sphere: Interest Representation and Public Debate

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. Introduction 3/10

PART I EUROPEAN PUBLIC SPHERE 2. European Public Sphere – concepts, definitions and approaches 10/10

Fossum, J.E. - Schlessinger, P. (2007) The European Union and the Public Sphere: A Communicative Space in the Making? (Introduction). In: Fossum, J.E. - Schlessinger, P. (2007) 3. EPS – relevance, emergence 17/10

Follesdal, A. and Hix, S. (2006) 'Why There Is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik', Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (3): 533–562

Greenwood, J. – Tuokko, K. (2017) 'The European Citizens' Initiative: the territorial extension of a European political public sphere?', European Politics and Society 18(2):166-181 4. Language, 24/10

Blichner, L.C. (2007) 'Political Integration in Europe and the need for a common European language' In Fossum, J.E. - Schlessinger, P. (2007)

Oleart, A., and Theuns, T. (2023) 'Democracy without Politics' in the European Commission's Response to Democratic Backsliding: From Technocratic Legalism to Democratic Pluralism. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 61: 882–899. 5. Media and public opinion, 31.10.

Lynggaard, K. (2021) The Roles of Images in EU Politics. Journal of Common Market Studies, de la Porte, C. – van Dalen, A. (2016) 'Europeanization of national public spheres? Cross-national media debates about the European Union's socio-economic strategy', European Politics and Society 17(3): 279-293

NO CLASS ON 07/11 6. European identity: concept and emergence 14/11

Steiner, N. D., Berlinschi, R., Farvaque, E., Fidrmuc, J., Harms, P., Mihailov, A., Neugart, M., and Stanek, P. (2023) Rallying around the EU flag: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and attitudes toward European integration. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 61: 283–301.

Luhman, S. (2017) 'A Multi-Level Approach to European Identity: Does Integration Foster Identity?', Journal of Common Market Studies 55(6):1360-1379

 PART II INTEREST REPRESENTATION AND LOBBYING 7. Interest Representation and Lobbying in the EU – introduction 21/11

Eising, R. (2017) 'Studying interest groups: methodological challenges and tools', European Political Science, 16(3):291-305

Bouwen, P. (2004a) 'Exchanging access goods for access: A comparative study of business lobbying in the European Union institutions' European Journal of Political Research 43:337-369 8. Lobbying the European Commission – process and institutional conditions 28/11

Boräng, F. – Naurin, D. (2015) 'Try to see it my way!' Frame congruence between lobbyists and European Commission officials' Journal of European Public Policy 22(4): 499-515 van Ballaert, B. (2017) 'The European Commission's use of consultation during policy formulation: The effects of policy characteristics', European Union Politics 18(3): 406-423 9. Lobbying the European Parliament – process and institutional conditions 5/12

Marshall, D. (2012) Do rapporteurs receive independent expert policy advice? Indirect lobbying via the European Parliament's committee secretariat, Journal of European Public Policy, 19(9):1377-1395

Walter, S., Kinski, L., & Boda, Z. (2023). Who talks to whom? Using social network models to understand debate networks in the European Parliament. European Union Politics, 24(2), 410–423. 10. Strategies and success – business and civil society groups 12/12 readings:

Dür, A. - Bernhagen, P. – Marshall, D.  (2015) 'Interest Group Success in the European Union When (and Why) Does Business Lose?' Comparative Political Studies 22(4): 570-587

DE BRUYCKER, I. and HANEGRAAFF, M. (2023), The people versus the money: What drives interest group influence in the European Union?. European Journal of Political Research. 11. Regulating lobbying 19/12 readings

Bunea, A. (2017) 'Legitimacy through targeted transparency? Regulatory effectiveness and sustainability of lobbying regulation in the European Union', European Journal of Political Research 57(2):378-403

Font, N., and Pérez-Durán, I. (2023) Legislative Transparency in the European Parliament: Disclosing Legislators' Meetings with Interest Groups. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 61: 379–396.

Documents on the Transparency register:

PART III IMPLICATIONS FOR EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY 12. European Public Space in the Making and its implications for democratic decision-making – 02/01 de Swaan, A. (2010) 'The European Void. The democratic deficit as a cultural deficiency.' In: Koopmans, R. – Statham, P. (2010)

Statham, P. (2010) 'What Kind of Europeanized Public Politics?' In: Koopmans, R. – Statham, P. (2010)

Saurugger, S. (2011) 'Interest Groups and Democracy in the European Union', In Beyers, J. – Eising, R. – Maloney, W.A. (eds) (2011)


The course deals with the concept of the European public sphere and public debate in general and with interest representation and lobbying at the European level.

This is a Master's course taught as an elective seminar for students of the International Relations Programme (MV, MAIN), but also students of other Master's programmes and Erasmus and other exchange students interested in European decision-making, the public sphere and lobbying. There are no prerequisites; however, previous knowledge of the EU's political system is advantageous.