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Geopolitical Thought

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |



Bloc I - Geopolitics as an extension of geography: a) Geographic determinism - from German school to Dugin b) Domination through domains - from Mahan to Dolman c) Anglo-Saxon tradition - MacKidner and Spykman  

Bloc II - Geopolitics as an extension of the environment: a) Anglo-Saxon School - Brzezinski, Cohen, Kaplan, and others b) Evolutionary school - Tilly and Wallerstein  

Bloc III - Geopolitics as an extension of language: a) Critical geopolitics and anti-geopolitics - turn to language and activism b) Geopolitics and perceptions - actors´ perception of space c) Systemic geopolitics - combination of critical and classical  

Bloc IV - Geopolitics and networks: a) Geo-economics and post-colonialism - economy, space and power b) Connectography vs. Teichopolitics - networks and borders in the 21st century  

Geopolitics and practice    


The aim of the course is to present the students with main streams of thought inside the geopolitical thinking. The course will be structured as to give an overview of the main schools and different understandings of the political processes in space.

This will help students to apply different theoretical approaches to the analysis of international politics.