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Democratic backsliding

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Session 1 Introduction

Session 2 Linkages, Institutions, State Capacity

Session 3 Institutions and the Death of Democracy

Session 4 Populism and Revolt against the Institutions

Session 5 Fluid Institutions and Volatility

Session 6 Authoritarian Institutions

Session 7 Bureaucratic Authoritarianism, Technocracy, Rule of Experts

Requirements: o One short opinion piece + presentation (2-3 pages), focus on A list mostly but feel free to use B list and C list readings o Active class participation o Large research paper, 8 pages + bibliography, double-spaced, font 12.

Please circulate your opinion pieces via email.

Final Grade o One short opinion piece – 30% o Active class participation – 10% o Research paper – 60%