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Territorial Violent Non-State Actors

Předmět na Fakulta sociálních věd |


A brief introduction to the studied subject / Formal requirements of the course Session

VNSAs: Contextual introduction Session

Conceptual definition: What are and are not VNSAs?

VNSAs in the IR theories and research

VNSAs and the territory I.

VNSAs and the territory II.

VNSAs and security

Strategic approaches towards VNSAs

VNSAs, territory, and effective objective achievement

Closing Remarks Session


The course deals with territorial violent non-state actors (VNSAs) in world politics, examines what they are, and what role they play in the international system. The goal of the course is to provide students with a theoretical background and to develop a broad knowledge of territorial VNSAs.

Students will be able to think critically about the dynamic roles of territorial VNSAs in world politics and should be able to engage in policy debates.