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Geopolitics of Sub-Saharan Africa

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1) Introduction: Decolonization, Africa (on the periphery) in the World SystemProcess of decolonization, emergence of post-colonial states, right to secession,impact of colonial history on contemporary Africa, geopolitical concepts and Africa

2) Post-colonial states and neopatrimonialismNature of post-colonial states, effective x failed cases, personal linkages vs.institutionalisation of power

3) Proto-states, quasi-states, violent non-state actorsAlternative forms of organization of political map, redrawing of the de facto politicalmap

4) Western SahelMovement, organized crime, terrorism/insurgency, natural resources and externalintervention, political communities in desert environment

5) Sudan and the NileWater scarcity, river disputes, ethnic conflicts and dissolution of Sudan

6) Horn of AfricaEthiopia as a regional power, Somalia and power vacuum, Eritrea as totalitarianstate, Djibouti and geostrategy, naval lines

7) Areas of PG analysis Borders, capitals, political-geographic analysis of Afirca

8) Africa as a hotbed of open crisis: 1990s state failure Experience from the 1990s, crises in contemporary Africa

9) Western, Central Africa, Southern AfricaHistory of civil war, Gulf of Guinea from conflict to stabilization and economicprogress, proxy conflicts, genocide, natural resources and warlords Central Africa,Domination of South Africa, stabilization after civil wars, RSA as regional power,race and politics

10) External interventions: the West as a security providerOperations of external powers in Africa, focus on US, EU and its members

11) New actors in Africa: Future scenariosChina, Russia, India12) Discussion over policy papers RECORDINGS:

1) Week 1: s:// Passcode: #sb!0M##

2) Week 2: 8$L%=9Wc q7^HFK*N 1HHmZ@+r

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The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the geopolitics of the African continent with the exception of North Africa that is in more detail covered in the Geopolitics of the Middle East course. The course covers internal as well as external factors affecting the region´s power dynamic and presents the regional analysis of the geopolitical dynamics throughout the region.

The students should gather a basic understanding of the processes taking place in the dynamically evolving continent.