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Introduction to Social Anthropology

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The course provides contact education.   1. Anthropology as a science of human; basic fields of study - i.e. biological, social, cultural and linguistic.Literature:

Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: Úvod, str. 11 - 20   2. Methodology: What is ethnography and ethnology from an anthropological point of view, anthropology and its relation to other scientific disciplines (history, sociology). Universalism and particularism.Literature:

Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 2. - 3. kapitola

Bronislaw Malinowski: Argonauti západního pacifiku. 1. kapitola (str. 1 - 26)   3.  Culture and human diversity


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 4. kapitola

Michel de Montaigne: Eseje (O kanibalech, str. 221 - 231)    4.  Family and kinship


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 7. - 8. kapitola.

Murphy: Úvod do kulturní antropologie. Praha: Slon: str. 73 - 122.   5. Gender and power


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 9. kapitola

Annette B. Weiner: The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea - Introduction s. 1-10.   6.    Language and society


Zdeněk Salzmann: Úvod do lingvistické antropologie, kapitola 6: s. 12 - 18 a s. 93 - 107. film: Arrival 2016 (Příchozí)   18. 11. 2019 - midterm test (deadline - 22: 11. 2019)   7. Economic anthropology


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 12. kapitola

Marcel Mauss, Esej o daru. Praha: Slon – úvod + kapitola 1.   8. Religiosity and ritual


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 14. kapitola

Daniele Hervieu-Léger: Pohřební rituál pozdní modernity (   9.  Ethnicity and identity


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 17. - 18. kapitola   10. Territoriality – globalization, localization, glocalization


Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Sociální  a kulturní antropologie. Praha: Portál 2008: 19. kapitola film Vidíš, Praha! (  walk   11. Body and corporeality


Marcel Mauss: Techniques of the body (str. 50-68)

Robert Murphy: Ulčené tělo, 1. chapter (pp 17-35)  


The course combines a lecture with a seminar to provide an overview of anthropology as a social science. Attention will be paid to the basic paradigms of anthropology and related sciences.

Conditions of completion:

In the middle of the course at the end of November, students will be required to write a test of compulsory literature. Passing the exam (ie answering 70% of the questions correctly) is a prerequisite for taking the final exam. In case the students fail the first test, they can pass the test at the end of the semester.

The written exam at the end of the semester will relate to the topics of lectures and literature.

Classification: 100 - 91: A (excellent, excellent performance with only minor errors) 81-90: B (very good, above-average performance, but with some errors) 71 - 80: C (good, overall good performance with a number of significant errors) 61-70: D (satisfactory, acceptable performance, but with significant deficiencies) 51-60: E (sufficient, performance meets minimum requirements) 50 - 0: F (did not meet the course conditions)