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Current Issues of Migrations

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The course combines a lecture and a seminar to provide a basic overview of the issue of migration from the perspective of sociology, social anthropology and related sciences. In addition to basic terminology, methodological procedures and concepts, attention will be paid to current events in the field. Territorial interpretation mainly focuses on Europe with the necessary overlap on other continents, especially the American one. Attention will also be devoted to the migration cases in Bohemia and Moravia. Lectures are online, records will be in the Moodle.Topics of individual lectures:1. Migration as a multidisciplinary phenomenon - basic definitions, disciplines dealing with the topic, basic terminology

Literature:Brettell, Caroline B., Hollifield, James, F. 2015. Introduction. In: Brettell, Caroline B., Hollifield, James, F. (eds) Theory Migration: Talking Across Disciplines. New York: Routledge: 1-31. 2. Migration of research history - basic terms in historical perspective

Literature: Drbohlav Dušan, Uherek Zdeněk 2007. Reflexe migračních teorií. Geografie – Sborník České geografické společnosti 112, 2: 125–141.Gabaccia Donna R. 2015. Time and Temporality in Migration Studies. In: Brettell, Caroline B., Hollifield, James, F. (eds) Theory Migration: Talking Across Disciplines. New York: Routledge 37-66. 3. Migration flows in historical perspectiveLiterature:Castles, Stephen, Haas, Hein, Miller, Stephen, 2014. The Age of Migration. New York: Palgrave MacMillan: 84–99. 4. Migration trends after 1945 and establishing of new minorities in EuropeLiterature:

Castles, Stephen, Haas, Hein de, Miller, Stephen 2014. The Age of Migration. New York: Palgrave MacMilan: 102–124. 5. Migration in the Czech Republic

Drbohlav, Dušan 2003. Immigration to the Czech Republic (with a special focus on the foreign laour force). International Migration Review

Cizinci v ČR 2017 6. Post-migration period


Bernard, J. Mikešová, R., 2014. Sociální integrace imigrantů na rozhraní mezi dočasnou migrací a trvalým usazením. Sociologický časopis, 50(4): 521–545.

Rákoczyová, Miroslava, Trbola, Robert 2008. Lokální strategie integrace cizinců v ČR. Praha: Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí.

Uherek, Zdeněk 2016. Migrace a integrace. Migranti v novém prostředí. In: Uherek Zdeněk a kol. Migrace. Historie a současnost. Ostrava: Pant: 49–66.      


The course combines lectures and seminars to provide a basic overview of migration issues from the perspective of sociology, social anthropology and related disciplines. In addition to basic terminology, methodological procedures and concepts, attention will be paid to current events in this area.

Territorial interpretation mainly focuses on Europe with the necessary overlap on other continents, especially the American one. Attention will also be given to migration in Bohemia and Moravia.