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Values and Life Styles in Societies: Analysis of Social Change

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Course Schedule

1.     Norms, values and beliefs in the society. Changes in time and space.

2.     Rokeach value survey and it’s results. Types of values. Critique and acceptance of Rokeach.

3.     Intro to the evaluation of measurement tools: reliability, validity. Tools for measuring of reliability and validity. Introduction to factor analysis.

4.     Schwartz value survey. Different scales (short and long). Individual dimensions. Application of SVL in current research.

5.     Data analysis based on SVL (European social survey). Critique and acceptance of Schwartz.

6.     Inghlehart theory of postmaterial values. Article (1971) and the 1st book (1977). From postmaterialism to postmodernism.

7.     WVS and EVS data as an empirical test for Inglehart’s theory. Environmental module in ISSP (1993, 2000,


8.     Beck risk theory as an interplay. Old risks and new risks. From environmental risks to terorrism and other big challenges of current societies.

9.     New environmental paradigm (Dunlap. Van Liere). Tools for measuring NEP. Empirical tests of NEP. Reccomendations for measuring environmental concern.

10.  From values to behaviour. La Pierre’ paradox. Relationship between NEP, postmaterialism and pro-enironmental behaviour.

11. Empirical research about pro-enironmental behaviour


The course is exclusively designed onyl for students of the study programme Social Sciences. All other students wiil not be allowed to enter.

The course will introduce students to basic concepts of values and lifestyles esp. in the area of environmental sociology. The course try to combine theoretical and empirical insight (use EVS, WVS and ESS studies). The main goal of the course is to discuss current value changes. Students are expected to provide their own data analysis of data related to values and behaviour.

The course will be held in Pekarska building, Tuesday 11 a.m.

Online access is possible via ZOOM:

Meeting ID: 467 763 9176

Passcode: 355749