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Doktorský seminář I.

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1.      Title and code of the course JSD001 Doctoral seminar I. JSD003 Doctoral seminar III.

2.      Lecturers Guarantor: Prof. PhDr. Arnošt Veselý, Ph.D. Lecturers: Prof. PhDr. Arnošt Veselý, Ph.D. Ing. Mgr. Olga Angelovská, Ph.D.

3.      Number of credits 5 credits

4.      Abstract Essential forum for PhD. students of Public and social policy to meet, interact and discuss the advancement of research, involving doctoral students, mentors, guarantors and invited guests. This semester focuses upon advanced introduction to research methodology. The students of DS I. will be introduced to advanced methodological issues related to their dissertation while students of DS III. will present development of their dissertation in terms of methodology. Students put forward their papers, the working versions of their doctoral theses or their parts; academics from the Department of Public and Social Policy, faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, along with external specialists present papers focusing above all on the theory, methodology, and practice of the field and critical reflection of scientific works. The seminar will discuss also topical issues of theory and methodology of public and social policy in the Czech Republic and the world at large.

5.      Requirements For recognizing semester a student must attend at least 4 doctoral seminars.

6.      Venue Without further notice, CESES Lecture Room 508, Voršilská 1, Praha


7.      Contact and consultations Prof. PhDr. Arnošt Veselý, Ph.D.    E-mail: Assistant - Ing. Mgr. Olga Angelovská, Ph.D    E-mail:

8.      Moodle

9.      Basic topics of DS I. a DS III. -          Research aims and questions -          Research design -          Review of literature

10.  Basic literature Black, Thomas R. Doing Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences : An Integrated Approach to Research Design, Measurement, and Statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,

1999. Blaikie, N.

2000. Designing social research. Oxford: Blackwell. Blaikie, Norman.

2007. Approaches to Social Enquiry. Cambridge: Polity Press, Gerring, J.

2001. Social Science Methodology: A Criterial Framework. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nekola, M., Geissler, H. a Mouralová, M. Současné metodologické otázky veřejné politiky. Praha: Karolinum. Potůček, M. et al.

2017. Public Policy. Prague: Karolinum Press.

11.  Tentative schedule   Date Time Venue Instructor Topic

1. Mo


16.30 B228 AV, OA Introduction to the course and doctoral study

2. Mo


16.30 B228 AV Research puzzles, goals and questions

3. Mo


16.30 B228 AV Students’ presentation (research goals and questions) Research design – introduction

4. Mo


16.30 B228 TBS TBS

5. Mo


16.30 B228 AV Students’ presentation

6. Mo


16.30 B228 AV Jan Klusáček – internal defense


Základní fórum pro setkávání, komunikaci a diskusi o rozvíjení výzkumu v daném oboru mezi doktorandy, školiteli, garantem a pozvanými hosty. Studenti zde předkládají k diskusi své odborné stati, pracovní verze svých doktorských prací nebo jejich částí, zaznívají referáty pracovníků Katedry veřejné a sociální politiky FSV UK a externích specialistů na témata věnovaná především teorii, metodologii a praxi oboru a kritické reflexe odborných děl.

Jsou diskutovány aktuální teoretické a metodologické otázky veřejné a sociální politiky u nás i ve světě.