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New Approaches to Methodology of Social Research

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The lectures will take place in English for Czech and English Programmes.Thursday 17:45-19:15 Guarantor: Prof. PhDr. Hynek Jeřábek, CSc.Office hours: Tuesday 12:50 - 13:50 





Hynek  Jeřábek

Analytical methodology in the work of Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton

February 17:45-19:15

Jakub Grygar

Actual advances in qualitative methodology

March 17:45-19:15

Petr Soukup

New analytical methods of multivariate data analysis

March 17:45-19:15

New approaches in sociological methodology

April 17:45-19:15

Mixed method approach

April 17:45-19:15

Digital antropology and other advanced techniques

May 17:45-19:15

Next professors will be invited from the PhD. programme of sociology from the Faculty of Arts.

And there will be invited speakers from partner universities.  

Principles of work in the course:

Each instructor will introduce a specific limited methodological topic in a lecture with a discussion. The teacher determines or distributes to doctoral students at least one representative text in English on the matter. Students are expected to study the assigned primary literature in all discussed areas. The lecturers will propose professional articles on the subject and send bibliographic data together with the literature on the listed topic before or after the class to the course coordinator Mgr. Šárka Tesařová and she will either post them in the SIS or send them to registered doctoral students. Each of the course participants chooses the topic of their seminar work within the instructors' range of issues, i.e. no later than in April, they register with one of the teachers and obtain their consent with their seminar work. Then, no later than at the end of June, a seminar paper (article) is sent on an approved topic to the selected teacher. He/She will evaluate the seminar work or its revised version. The evaluation will be sent to the student and the course guarantor. The doctoral student is obliged to obtain this evaluation no later than on the September 10th. Students work independently and avoid plagiarism according to the instructions: 

Students who do not participate more than two lectures are obliged to write essays. Absences are replaced by three thematic summaries (in the range of 3-5 pages) from the literature given by individual lecturers of their choice.

* Learning Resources:

Borgatti, Stephen P. et al. (2009). Network Analysis in the Social Sciences. Science 323, 892;DOI: 10.1126/science.1165821

Creswell, John W. and Johanna Creswell Báez. (2020). 30 Essential Skils for The Qualitative Researcher. London, N.Y.: SAGE Publishing – selected chapters.

Denzin, Norman and Yvonna S. Lincoln. (2017). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. 5th Edition. London, N.Y.: SAGE Publishing - selected chapters.

Jeřábek, Hynek. (2022) Paul Lazarsfeld’s Methodological Innovations and Their Importance Today.International Journal of Communication, Special FORUM 'Lazarsfeld's Legacy', Vol 16 (2022), Forum 636–645,  open access

Jerabek, Hynek. (2012) Six Examples of Collaboration between Robert K. Merton and Paul F. Lazarsfeld. In: Haas, Hannes – Jerabek, Hynek and Thomas Peterson (eds.) The Early Days of Survey Research and Their Importance Today. Wien, Braumüller Verlag, 2012, pp. 2-27.

Next special literature will be defined/given by the professor.


Compulsory (for the first two years of study) doctoral course in sociology. It introduces crucial procedures of social research methodology in the form of lectures and discussions.

Classes are held in English and are devoted to interpreting methodological approaches and essential methods in social research. In each year of the course, 5 to 6 topics will be discussed, depending on the lecturers' possibilities.