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Foundations of institutional analysis

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A.  Úvod

1.    Úvod - představení tří hlavních tradic institucionalismu v sociálních vědách DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Hall, Peter und Rosemary Taylor, 1996: Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms. Political Studies, Vol. 44, 936-957  B. Klasické teorie instituc

2.    Durkheimovské kořeny studia institucí, Fleckovy myšlenkové kolektivy a jejich využití v díle Mary Douglas    POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Mary Douglas, 1986: How institutions think. Chapter 1: Institutions cannot have minds of their own, Chapter 4: Institutions are founded on analogy, Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 9-19, 45-53  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Durkheim, Emile, 1982 [1895]: The Rules of Sociological Method. Introduction and Selection by Steven Lukes. Chapter I: What is a Social Fact? New York: The Free Press, 50-59  Fleck, Ludvik, 1979 [1935]: Genesis and Development of  a Scientific Fact, Chapter II, Section 4: Introduction to thought collectives. The social condition of every act of cognition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 38-51

3.    Kořeny americké tradice studie institucí v díle Thorsteina Veblena  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Veblen, Thorstein, 2008 [1899]: The Theory of the Leisure Class. Chapter I to III,  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 7-47  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Veblen, Thorstein, 2008 [1899]: The Theory of the Leisure Class. Chapter VII,  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 111-124

4.    Přínos strukturního funkcionalismu ke studiu institucí (Talcott Parsons, Robert K. Merton, Philip Selznick)  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Parsons, Talcott, 1951: The Social System. Chapter II, The Major Points of Reference and Structural Components of the Social System, New York: The Free Press, 24-67  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Parsons, Talcott, 1951: The Social System. Chapter X, Social Structure and Dynamic Process: The Case of Modern Medical Practice, New York: The Free Press, 428-79  Selznick, Philip, 2011 [1949]: TVA and Grass Roots: A Study of Politics and Organization. Conclusion: Guiding Principles and Interpretation. New Orleans, Louisiana: Quid Pro Books.

5.    Sociálně konstrucionistický přístup ke studiu institucí  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Berger, Peter, Luckmann, Thomas, 1991 [1967]: The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise on the Sociology of Knowledge, Part II, Society as Objective Reality,

1. Institutionalization. New York: Anchor Books, 65-109  C. Nové institucionální přístupy

6.    Nový sociologický institucionalismus a přístupy k výzkumu politické konvergence  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  DiMaggio, Paul and Walter W. Powell, 1983: The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields. American Sociological Review, Vol. 48, 147-160  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  DiMaggio, Paul and Walter W. Powell, 1991: Introduction: The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1-38  Holzinger, Kathrine and Knill Christoph, 2005: Causes and conditions of cross-national policy convergence, Journal of European Public Policy, 12 (5): 775-796.  Stinchcombe, Arthur, 1997: On the Virtues of the Old Institutionalism. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 23, 1-18

7.    Epistemické komunity a jejich význam při studiu institucí  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Haas, Peter M., 1992: Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination. Knowledge, Power, and International Policy Coordination, Vol. 46, No. 1, 1-35  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Mirowski, Philip, 2009: Postface: Defining Neoliberalism. In Mirowski, Philip and Plehwe, Dieter. The Road from Mont Pelerin: The Making of Neoliberal Thought Collective. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 417-456

8.    Institucionalismus racionální volby  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  North, Douglass, 1999: Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 11-35  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Jones, Bryan D., 1999" Bounded rationality. Annual review of political science, 2(1), 297-321.  Shepsle, Kenneth A.

1989. "Studying Institutions: Some Lessons from the Rational Choice Approach." Journal of Theoretical Politics (July): 131-49.  Schepsle, Kenneth A., Bonchek Mark S.,

1997. Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior and Institutions. Part III, Institutions, New York, London: W. W. Norton and Company. 299-460.  Williamson, Oliver, 2000: The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 38, 595-613

9.    Institution and Development Framework Elinor Ostromové  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Ostrom, Elinor.

2007. "Institutional Rational Choice: An Assessment of the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework." In Sabatier, Paul (ed.). Theories of the Policy Process. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 21-64  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Ostrom, Elinor.

2005. Understanding Institutional Diversity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.  Crawford, Sue E.S. and Elinor Ostrom.

1995. "A Grammar of Institutions." American Political Science Review. 89 (3): 582-600.

10. Historický institucionalismus  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Pierson, Paul and Theda Skocpol, 2002: Historical Institutionalism in Contemporary Political Science: In: Katznelson, Ira and Helen Milner (eds.): Political Science: The State of the Disci-pline. New York etc.: Norton and Company, 693-721  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Immergut, Ellen M., and Anderson, Karen M. , 2008: Historical Institutionalism and West European Politics." West European Politics 31(1): 345 -

369.  Mahoney, James, 2000: Path Dependence in Historical Sociology. Theory and Society, Vol. 29, No. 4, 507-548  Mahoney, James, and Rueschemeyer, Dietrich (eds.), 2003:  Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences, Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.  Pierson, Paul, 2004: Politics in Time. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 133-166  Thelen, Kathleen, 1999: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics. Annual Review of Political Science, Bd. 2, 369-404

11. Teorie graduální institucionální změny  POVINNÁ ČETBA:  Mahoney, James and Kathleen Thelen, 2010: A Theory of Gradual Institutional Change. In: Mahoney, James and Kathleen Thelen (eds.): Explaining Institutional Change: Ambiguity, Agency, and Power. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1-    37  DOPORUČENÁ ČETBA:  Streeck, Wolfgang and Kathleen Thelen, 2005: Introduction: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. In: Streeck, Wolfgang and Kathleen Thelen (eds.): Beyond Continuity. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1-39  Steinmo, Sven, 2010: The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan, and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Ch. 1, pp. 1-29

12.    Diskursivní institu

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Kurz je koncipován jako uvedení do různých tradic institucionální analýzy pro magisterské studenty oboru sociologie. Poskytuje vhled do klasických teorií, o které se dnešní institucionální analýza opírá (Durkheim, Veblen, Parsons a Berger s Luckmannem), i do silných a slabých stránek dominantních současných proudů (sociologický institucionalismus, institucionalismus racionální volby, historický institucionalismus a diskursivní institucionalismus).

V rámci kurzu budou představeny i tři analyticko-výzkumné programy rozvíjející některé elementy uvedených proudů - výzkum epistemických komunit a institucionální konvergence, institution and development framework a teorie graduální změny.