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Sexualities and Gender Identities

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. Feminist point of view and Gender Studies (foundation and evolution of feminist movement and thinking and introduction to Gender Studies)

2. Basic gedner terminology (stereotypes, identity, role, socialization and education)

3. Biology as ideology (biology of the body, genes, chromosomes, brain, biological sex and reproduction organs; history of male and female body; biology as natural geveness or social construction; intersexuality)

4. Evolution of sexuality of individual (psycho-sexual evolution by Freud, Ericson and Horney; gender and theory of learning, theory of cognitive structures and gender lenses by Sandra Bem)

5. The cultural body (body and sexuality in other cultures; Sociology and Antropology of body and sexuality)

6. Social control, doing and performing gender (Foucault's history of sexuality and watch and punish; West&Zimmerman's doing gender; Butler's performativity)

7. Visualisation and medialisation of body and sexuality (body and sexuality in art and media)

8. Heteronormativity and Masculinities (heterosexuality as unspoken normality; masculinities and critical men studies)

9. Protitution, pornography / paraphilias and sexual deviations (sexual violence, prostitution and comodification of body and sex; fetich, sado-masochism, pedofilia etc.)

10. Homosexuality (origin and evolution of homosexuality, emergence of mythological 4 %, coming-out, bisexuality)

11. Transgender, Queer Theories and gender deconstruction (transsexuality - identity and body chage; drag and cross-dressing; the concept of queer)


The area of sexuality is wide, very popular and interesting for public, handled by biology, sexology or psychology, but in social sciences often neglected. The popular interest, deep in common sense rooted (socio)biological explanations on difficult social interactions, popular tips from "popular sexologists", the presence of sexuality in every(wo)man's lives and commercialization and medialization of the topic leads hugely to mixing of terminology, to misunderstandings and to detraction of this interesting, but complicated and intimate topic.

In this course we will on the base of Gender Studies confront biological, psychological and sociological aspects of human body and sexuality because on first sight natural and given human sexuality is historically, socially and discursively constructed. We will focus on topics such as: evolution of individual's sexuality, gender socialization, heterosexuality as implied condition, sexual deviations, other sexualities as - homosexuality or transgender, we focus on power dynamics in sexuality (for example prostitution, social control of the body and sex, concepts of doing or performing gender), with contextual dynamic of the identity we will deal with post-modern view on sexuality and deconstruction of the body with queer theories, last but not least we will focus on relation and intersection of biology, society and identity in the fields of sexuality, gender and sex.