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Národy a nacionalismus

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Theories and Concepts I. Theories, basic concepts and ideas of nationalism

1. Basic introduction to nationalism

2. Theory of cultural and ethnic groups: primordialists, modernists, Ernest Gellner's and Benedict Anderson's theories.

3. Typologies of nationalism.

4. Nationalism and economy

5. Ethnosymbolism and poetics of 19th-century nationalism

6. Transformations of nationalism during the Cold War

7. Nationalism revised - nationalism and post-modernity, transnationalism, methodological nationalism  Case studies

8. Long-distance nationalism, migration, expats, compatriots

9. Anthropology of hope - Polish example,

10. Bosnian example; nationalism and sports

11. Nationalism and people without the state Romani example; Nationalism outside Europe, Indonesia and New Zealand case

12. Nationalism and tourism


The course is about the history of nationalism’s anthropological research (the 1960s - present), the theory of the cultural and ethnic groups - Anthropological View, changes in the nation’s, ethnicities and minorities historical meanings. Students will explore Ernest Gellner’s theory, Benedict Anderson’s theory (European and non-European approaches), and examples of the nationalists‘ constructions in Europe (Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Scots);, West Europe and the USA before 1989.

They will also follow present discussions about the theory of nationalism and its place in social theory in general. Students will also deal with nationalist rhetoric and poetics, and their meanings in the 19th century, during the cold war and after.

We then approach post-modern critics of ethnicity, concepts of groups „without ethnicity, “culture / ethnic groups in the diaspora (Czechs abroad, Romanies, Jews - Israelies). Finally, the course works with Bosnians and with regard to the constructions of nations outside Europe on the example of Indoneasia.