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Professional Self-Presentation

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |



- communication, verbal, non-verbal (gestures, facial gestures and eye contact, proxemics, haptics, paralinguistics...),

- listening in communication, empathy, assertiveness, intercultural communication,

- group communication and team work, team types, team roles, intercultural teams, virtual teams and specifics of virtual communication,

- public presentation (aim of the presentation and preparation, holding a presentation, evaluation), visual effects and presentation devices, spacial effects, image, first impression, last impression effect, communication with the audience, mastering questions, stage fright, rhetoric

- job interview, CV, covering letter, role of personal agents, starting new job

- telephone communication, business meeting, calling cards, virtual communication and business e-mail

- etiquette, basic and special rules (meeting, introducing, addressing others), types of social events, dresses, giving presents

- communication in organizations, importance of organizational culture and identity, PR, politically correct communication

- mass media communication, presentation in media, press interview, press conference


Within the course, students acquire key skills which improve their competitiveness on the labour market and support their later professional career. Having completed the course, students would be able to present themselves as well as the results of their work professionally and in front of different audiences. Within the seminars, students would have an opportunity to try to master typical situations of professional life. The course aims primarily at the following:

1) presentation, lecture, discussion, presentation devices;

2) communication at workplace (meeting, telephone call, letter, e-mail, calling cards, team work);

3) job application and job interview, CV, covering letter;

4) social events (kinds, appropriate dresses, basics of etiquette).