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Public Policy

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Course website: Course Master: Professor Martin Potůček, Ph.D., CSc. MSc.; Course duration 2/2 No. of credits: 9 Goals: This basic course introduces students to public policy as a practice and scientific discipline. Delineation of public policy, its cognitive traditions, concepts, methods, functions and values. Public policy as a structure and process. Regulation of social life by means of the market, state, civil sector, and media. Implementation and evaluation of public policies. Capacities to govern in the contemporary world in general, and the Czech Republic in particular. Students will be encouraged to study on their own, to critically approach relevant books and articles, to produce their own texts, and to actively interact at the seminars. Conditions of registration: The student has enrolled in any MSc. field taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences or in the Civic Sector Studies at FHS. Conditions of meeting student obligations: The conditions of admission to a written examination in this field include the presentation of a paper on a preselected topic, of a summary and critical analysis of an English-language treatise, and assessment obtained at the seminar. The recommended themes of papers and English-language treatises will be offered to students at the start of the semester. Other topics or texts could be selected upon an agreement with the lecturers. Overall evaluation will be carried out according to the following key: Collected points: Evaluation: 181 and more Excellent 160-180 Very good 145-159 Good 144 and less Failed Points can be accrued by: a. providing summary and critical analysis of an English-language treatise ? max 30 points; b. presenting a paper on a set theme ? max 35 points (plus a special five-point bonus for early submission of a form with paper theme); c. assessment of the student's performance at the seminars ? max 65 points (plus a special five-point bonus for exceptional performance); d. written examination ? max 60 points. LECTURES Topics of lectures: No. Topic

1. Introduction.

2. Public policy as a social practice. Social problems. Public interests.

3. Public policy as a scientific discipline.

4. Ethics and public policy. Normative models of public policy.

5. Public policy as a structure and process.

6. Market, state and civic sector as the regulators of society's life.

7. Market and state. Institutional framework of economy.

8. Dysfunctional relationships between policy and economics. Global markets vs. nation states. Corruption and mafia.

9. Civic sector between the state and the market. Corporatism.

10. Implementation and evaluation of public policies.

11. How to recognize a public policy.

12. Final recapitulation, preparation for exam. A Conceptual base of strategic governance. B Governance in the Czech Republic in the period of globalization and European integration. C Capacities of Governance in Central and Eastern Europe. Elementary reading:

1.Colebatch, H.K.B.: Úvod do policy. Praha: Barrister & Principal


2.Potůček, M. et al.: Veřejná politika. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství


3.Potůček, M. a kol. Strategické vládnutí a česká republika. Praha, Grada


4.Potůček, M. a kol.: Jak jsme na tom. A co dál? Strategický audit České republiky. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství


5.Fiala, P. - Schubert, K..: Moderní analýza politiky. Uvedení do teorií a metod policy analysis. Praha, Barrister & Principal

2000. Other recommended literature:

6.Arrow, K.J.: Společenský výběr a individuální hodnoty. Praha, Svoboda

1973. (Anglicky: Social Choice and Individual Values, Westford, The Murray Printing Company

1963. 2nd edition.)

7.Dahl, R.A.: Demokracie a její kritici. Praha, Victoria Publishing


8.Demokracie a ústavnost. Praha, Karolinum


2. vydání


9.Etzioni, A.: Morální dimenze ekonomiky. Praha, Victoria Publishing


10.Howlet, M. ? Ramesh, M.: Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems, Oxford, Oxford University Press


11.Keller, J.: Sociologie byrokracie a organizace. Praha, Slon


12.Lindblom, Ch.E.: Politics and Markets. New York, Basic Books


13.Parsons, W.: Public Policy. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing


14.Potůček, M.: Křižovatky české sociální reformy. Praha, Slon


15.Potůček, M.: Nejen trh. Role trhu, státu a občanského sektoru v proměnách české společnosti. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství

1997. 188 s. (Anglicky: Not Only the Market, Budapest, CEU Press


16.Potůček, M.: Sociální politika. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství


17.Simon, H.: Administrative Behavior. New York, The Free Press


18.Soubor studií vydaných v řadě Veřejná a sociální politika. Praha, ISS FSV UK 1994-1999.

19.Weimer, David L. - Vining, Aidan R.: Policy Analysis, Concepts and Practice. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall


20.Mlčoch, L. ? Machonin, P. ? Sojka, M.: Ekonomické a společenské změny v české společnosti po roce

1989. Praha, Karolinum


21.Ochrana, Fr.: Veřejný sektor a efektivní rozhodování. Praha, Management Press


22.Winkler, J.: Implementace. Institucionální hledisko analýzy veřejných programů. Brno, Masarykova univerzita


23.Říchová, Bl.: Přehled moderních politologických teorií. Praha, Portál

2000. Additional reading will be recommended in relation to individual themes. Students are also expected to read newspapers and magazines dealing with public policy issues.


The course offers a basic orientation in the field of public policy (theory, solved problems, relationship to practice). The core of lectures lays in the interpretation of approaches and concepts, while seminars are focused on application.

The course is concluded by the written exam.