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Social Policy

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Course leader and lecturer:

Mgr. Ing. Olga Angelovska,


Joni Santeri Askola, MA,

Mgr. Mirna Jusić,   

Organization of the course: 17.2. Introductory Session (OA) 24.2. Seminar 1 Welfare state typologies (JA) 3.3. Seminar 2 New welfare state typologies Welfare state development in CEE (OA) 10.3. Seminar 3 Welfare state development in the late 80s and 90s (JA) 17.3. Seminar 4 New, active WS. “Enabling state” (JA) 24.3. Seminar 5 WS and value change (JA) 31.3. Seminar 6 WS and pension issues (OA) 7.4. Seminar 7 WS and family issues (MJ) 14.4. Seminar 8 WS and long-term care (OA) 21.4. Seminar 9 WS and unemployment (MJ) 28.4. Seminar 10 WS and the European Union (MJ) 5.5. Seminar 11 WS and redistribution: income differences and inequalities (OA)./Future of the WS 12.5. Rektorský den/ Rector´s day   


This graduate course should improve theoretical knowledge of students on social policy in present post-industrial world. The main perspective will be put on concept of " the welfare state regimes or models" and their practical consequences in different social policy areas, mainly employment policy, pension, family and long-term policies and policies tackling poverty problems. They will be analysed in the context of the European Union countries and the typical welfare state modes. The attention will be also put on the emerging welfare state regimes in the Central and Eastern Europe.

The course will be organised in the form of seminars (12) where students will actively work on topics covered in the recommended literature.