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European Social Policy

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


European Social Policy Course number: Course leader: Ing. Mgr. Olga Angelovská Scope of instruction: lectures 10 hours, individual study (50 hours), written examination (2 hours) Credits available: 9 Goal To allow for deeper understanding of core concepts, issues, and policies of the European Union?s social dimension, and the social welfare provision within its Member States. Conditions of enrollment The course is available for students of Master?s Degree Programs provided by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the faculty of Humanities. The course is compulsory for students of Master?s degree programs of Public and Social Policy. Study obligations - lectures Students are required to study the core literature in advance, submit a written study, and pass the written examination. When delivering written study and examination paper, reference to items in core and complementary literature will be highly appreciated. The topic of a study will be selected by each student at the beginning of the course and approved by the course leader. The course leader and seminar assistants would like to have the course as interactive and creative as possible. They will provide students with a basic background material in advance. Construction of students? performance evaluation Activity Points (up to) Written study (student?s original paper or critical reviews of two English papers, to be submitted before the written examination) 30Short essays  10 Written examination 30 Final evaluation Points (total) Result61 and more Excellent (výborně, A) 60 - 46 Very good (velmi dobře, B)45 - 36 Good (dobře, C) Up to 35 Fail (neprospěl) Core literature:

F.G.Castles, S. Leibfried, J. Lewis, H. Obinger, Ch. Pierson: The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press, 2010.

Esping-Andersen: Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. Oxford University Press 1999, pp. 147-169

G. Esping-Andersen (eds.): Welfare States in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies. Sage 1997, pp. 32-65, 66-87

Esping-Andersen, G. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism 1990. Princeton: P. Univ.Press, s. 9-38. In Sociologický časopis, 1991, č. 5. (s.. 545-567).

Golinowska, S.,  Žukowski, M. (2009) Chapter III: European social policy (supranational).In Golinowska, St., Hengstenberg, P., Zukowski, M. (eds.) Diversity and Commonality in European Social Policies. The Forging of a European Social Model. Warsaw: Wydawnicztwo Naukowe Scholar and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Keller, J. Soumrak sociálního státu. 2006 Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství Slon

Potůček, M. Welfare State Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe. In:  Hayashi, T. - Ogushi, A. (eds.) Post-Communist Transformations: The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia in Comparative Perspective. Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 21, Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 2009. (p. 99-144)

Večeřa, M. Sociální stát. Východiska,  přístupy. 1996. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství Slon.

Main themes of the course: Theme One: Understanding Welfare States: concepts, functions, developments, types, contradictions. Theme Two: Comparative analysis: principles and approaches. Theme Three: European Union as an actor in social policy making. Theme Four: Case study: Social policy transformation in the Czech Republic


The course is available for students of Master?s Degree Programs provided by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the faculty of Humanities. The course is compulsory for students of Master?s degree programs of Public and Social Policy.