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Innovative presentation of scientific knowledge I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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1-2. Discussion of the basic questions of the course:

What criteria make knowledge scientific? What are the nature of the boundaries between scientific and non-scientific knowledge?

What is the position of the social sciences in Western societies? How has it changed and is it changing, depending on what conditions? What aspects of power has this position had and has, and how is it changing?

Why shouldn't/shouldn't social sciences be engaged/action/applied/public? What hinders and what helps engagement?

Examples of engaged and applied research undertaken in the social sciences. 3-5. genres of representation represented by different guests. 6. KVAS retreat. 8. Presentation of student projects.

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The aim of the seminar is to offer students the opportunity to try innovative forms of presentation of scientific knowledge (exhibitions, theater / dance performances, happenings, moderation of group discussions, film, campaign, walk, interactive digital presentations, etc.). In the introductory meetings we will get acquainted with the theory and practice of innovative representations of scientific knowledge. The guests of the course will introduce the genres they work with and will offer a discussion on the possibilities of the given genre for the presentation of scientific knowledge. In the middle of the semester, students or groups of students will consult their innovative intentions during the weekend seminar “KVAS” (in the form of a walking seminar – 12.-14.4. Dolní Podluží). At the turn of April and May, each team or author presents the ongoing work to colleagues. The condition for granting the credit is a report on the implementation of the project, including a reflection of the influence of the presentation genre on the content of the communication. If the project is larger, its implementation can be divided into two phases and two semesters (possibility to enroll into Innovative presentation of scientific knowledge II). It is assumed that the topics of the presentations will be based on research work carried out in other courses or on research carried out during the elaboration of the diploma thesis. In addition to specific skills and contacts, the participants of the seminar will also gain insight into the issues of applied science.

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