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European policies and practice towards ethnic minorities

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


I. Theoretical Framework

Week 1 Introduction - cont.; Concept of Multiculturalism* Readings: Ethnicity, race, culture, identity, racism- Eriksen, T. H.: "Ethnicity, Race, Class and Nation ", text 4, in Hutchinson, John, Smith Anthony, eds. (1996) Ethnicity, Oxford- New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 28-31- Van den Berghe, Pierre: "Does race matter?", text 9, in Hutchinson (above), pp. 57-63- Cornell, Stephen, Hartmann, Douglas (1998) Ethnicity and Race. Making Identities in a Changing World, Pine Forge Press/A Sage Publication Company, text on The definition of race, pp 21- 43, 68-69- Richmond, Anthony (1994) Global Apartheid, Toronto: Oxford University Press (pp.1-45) on power, conflict, identity (good description of race and ethnicity)- Optional:- Kovats, Martin (2001) "The Emergence of European Roma Policy", in Guy ed.,Between Past and Future: the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe, Hartfield: Uni of Hertfordshire Press. 93-116.

Week 2 Racisms & Discrimination

* Readings: Integration, multiculturalism, nationalism- Birch, Anthony (1989) Nationalism and National Integration, London: Unwin Hyman Ltd, chapter 4: National integration, pp. 36-51 - classical text on integration!- Brubacker, Rogers, "Civic and ethnic nations in France and Germany", text 28. in Hutchinson, John, Smith Anthony, ed. (1996) Ethnicity, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 168-173- Kymlicka, Will (2001)"Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe", in Kymlicka, Will, Opalski, Magda (eds.) Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported?, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.13 - 103- UNDP (2003) The Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. Avoiding the Dependency Trap, UNDP. - Hancock, Ian (2000) "The Consequences of Anti-Gypsy Racism in Europe" in Other Voices. The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism, v. 2, n.1 (February 2000), - Optional:- Benhabib, Seyla (2002) The Claims of Culture. Equality and Diversity in the Global Era. Princeton, USA- Woodstock, UK: Princeton University Press, preface plus pp. 1-48

II. Policy Implications

Week 3

* Readings: Multiculturalism, identity and politics - Malik, Kenan (1996) The Meaning of Race, London: Macmillan, "The meaning of Multiculturalism", pp.169-177, and "The West and its Others´", pp.221-226- Rex, John (2001) "The concept of a multicultural society" in Guibernau, Montserrat and Rex, John (eds): The Ethnicity Reader. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, pp. 205-220- Kuper, Leo (2001) "Plural Societies" in Guibernau (above)- Thornberry, Patrick (2001)" An Unfinished Story of Minority Rights" in Bíró, A.M. and Kovács, P (eds) Diversity in Action, Budapest. LGI/OSI, pp.47-73

Week 4 * Readings: Definitions and forms of discrimination- EU race equality directive:Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment Between Persons Irrespective of Racial or Ethnic Origin Directive 2000/43/EC (adopted on 29 June 2000)- Parekh, Bhikhu (2000) Rethinking Multiculturalism: Chapter 7: The Political Structure of Multicultural Society Equal opportunity policy and positive action

Week 5 Definitions and Forms of Discrimination* Readings: Multiculturalism, identity and politics- cont. - Benhabib, Seyla (2002) The Claims of Culture. Equality and Diversity in the Global Era. Princeton, USA- Woodstock, UK: Princeton University Press, preface plus pp. 1-48- Bagihole, Barbara (1997) Equal Opportunities and Social Policy: Issues of gender, race and disability, London: Longman, Chapter two: What is Equal Opportunities? pp. 31-47

Week 6 Legislative framework: international instruments* Readings: - Framework convention for the protection of national minorities in in Bíró, A.M. and Kovács, P (eds) Diversity in Action, Budapest. LGI/OSI, pp.75-81- The ERRC letter to Dr. Petra Buzková of 26 March 2003

III. Minority Case study

Week 7- Student submitted readings, * Readings:- Optional: - UNDP (2003) The Roma in Central and Eastern Europe, UNDP. down) - World Bank (2007) The Roma Page, - Okely, Judith (1997) "Some political consequences of theories of Gypsy ethnicity. The place of the intellectual" in James, Alisson et al. (eds) After Writing Culture. Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology, London: Routledge

Week 8 Case Study: The Roma/ Gypsies/ Travellers - Student submitted readings, * Readings: - World Bank (2007) The Roma Page, - Decade of Roma Inclusion,

IV. Country Case study

Week 9 -11 No required readings



This course discusses and analyzes major ethnic, racial, national, and religious minorities in contemporary Europe from a sociological, political, legal, historical and anthropological perspectives. It will look at broad range of topic such as inclusive citizenship, identity, conflict, migration, minority rights, international law, minority policy development and implementation.

By using case studies, student will deepen their understanding of the status and condition of minorities in Europe, the roots of and solutions to ethnic conflict, and gradually changing European conceptions of citizenship and the multicultural state.