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European Integration

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Programme of lectures in Summer Term 2024 (1) 23 February – Organization and requirements. “The nature of the beast”: Introduction into the study of the European Union. Very short introduction into European integration theory.   (2) 1 March - History of European Integration – overview. Part I: from the beginnings to 1990   (3) 8 March - History of European Integration – overview. Part II: 1990-2024   (4) 15 March - Enlargement of EC/ES – past and future. Brexit.   (5) 22 March - EU institutions.   There will be no class on 29 March (Good Friday)   (6) 5 April – Midterm test. EU legal system. The courts. Rule of Law issues.   (7) 12 April - The Single Market.   (8) 19 April – The Economic and Monetary Union – history, crisis and the future of the Eurozone.   There will be no class on 26 April   (9) 3 May – Money: EU budget, funds, policies.   (10) 10 May - Democracy and Solidarity in the EU. Civic participation. Differentiated patterns of integration within the EU.   (11) 17 May - EU in the World: foreign, security and defence policies.   (12) 24 May - EU the contemporary crises: the Covid pandemics and the war in Ukraine. What future for the EU? Current debate on EU reform.


This course offers an introduction to European integration studies to students of the „History and Area Studies“ undergraduate programme at IMS FSV UK. The module is also open do undergraduate students incoming in the framework the Erasmus+ programme, who have not studied European integration before.

In turn, the course covers the history, institutional, legal, economic, political and security dimensions of European integration. In introduces the students into key concepts in the theoretical reflection of European integration and, throughout the term, it reviews selected current issues in the EU.

The Moodle platform for the course can be accessed at (, enrollment key JTB120.