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Social Movements and Collective Action in the 21st Century

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


17.02.2021: Introduction to the course   24.02.2021: Theorising (New) Social Movements, Part 1  

Compulsory Readings  

Della Porta, D.; Diani, M. (2006). “The Study of Social Movements: Recurring questions, (partially) changing answers”. In Della Porta D.; Diani, M. (2006). Social Movements: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishing Lt: Oxford  

Della Porta, D.; Diani, M. (2006). “Social Changes and Social Movements”. In Della Porta D.; Diani, M. (2006). Social Movements: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishing Lt: Oxford  

Diani, M.; Mische, A. (2015). “Network Approaches and Social Movements”. In Della Porta, D.; Diani, M. (eds) (2015). The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford University Press: Oxford   03.03.2021: Theorising (New) Social Movements, Part 2  

Flesher Fominaya, C. (2010). Collective Identity in Social Movements: Central Concepts and Debates. Sociology Compass 4/6, 393-404  

Juris, J. (2004). “Networked Social Movements: Global Movements for Global Justice”. In Castells, M. (ed.) (2004). The Networked Society: The Cross-Cultural Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.  

Maeckelbergh, M. (2017). “Social Movements as a Process”. In Coleman, S.; Hyatt, S.B.; Kingsolver, A. (2017). The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Anthropology. Abingdon, New York: Routledge  

Tarrow, S. (2015). “Contentious Politics”. In Della Porta, D.; Diani, M.(eds) (2015). The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford University Press: Oxford  

Recommended Readings  

Elliott‐Maksymowicz K. Social movement in stages: a reply to Shultziner and Goldberg. J Theory Soc Behav. 2019;49:254–258. jtsb.12205  

Flesher Fominaya, C. (2017). European anti-austerity and pro-democracy protests in the wake of the global financial crisis. Social Movement Studies Vol.16, 2017, Issue 1  

Khasnabish, A. (2020) Ecologies of the radical imagination. Information, Communication & Society, 23:12, 1718-1727, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2019.1631368     10.03.2021: Social Movements, Technology, and Digital Activism, Part 1   

Mattoni, A. (2017). A situated understanding of digital technologies in social movements. Media ecology and media approaches. Social Movements Studies Vol 16, Issue 4  

Postill, J. (2014). Freedom technologists and the new protest movements: a theory of protest formulas. Special Issue of Convergence Journal. Vol 20, No 3  

Trere, E.; Matonni, A. (2015). Media ecologies and protest movements: main perspectives and key lessons. Information, Communication, Society. Vol 19, Issue 2   17.03.2021: Social Movements, Technology, and Digital Activism, Part 1   

Beraldo, D., & Milan, S. (2019). From data politics to the contentious politics of data, Big Data & Society, pp. 1-19   

Merini, K. (2021). “In memory of Covid 19 in China: Forms of Digital Resistance Towards Censorship”. In Milan, S.; Trere, E.; Masiero, S. (2021). Covid 19 From the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies, and Resistance in the Datafied Society. Institute of Network Cultures: Amsterdam  

Postill, J. (2012). Digital politics and political engagement. In Horst, H.; Miller, D. (eds.). Digital Anthropology. Berg: Oxford  

Tufekci, Z. (2014). Social Movements and Governments in the Digital Age: Evaluating a Complex Landscape. Journal of International Affairs, 68(1), 1–18.  

Recommended Readings  

Barassi, V. (2013). Ethnographic Cartographies: Social Movements, Alternative Media and the Spaces of Networks. Social Movement Studies Vol 12, Issue 1   24.03.2021/31/03/2021: New Feminist & Queer Mobilisations  

Graff, A.; Korolczuk, E. (2021). Anti-gender politics in the Populist Times. Routledge: New York. Introduction (p.3-40)  

Majewska, E.; Rakowska, K. (2018). Migrant tactics: An interview. Available online:  

Korolczuk, E. (2017). Explaining ‘Black Protests” against abortion ban in Poland: the power of connective action. Zoon political journal. Available online:  

Kuhar, R.; Paternotte, D. (2017). Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe: Mobilizing Against Equality  

Peterson, A.; Wahlstrom, M.; Wennerhag, M. (2018). Pride parades and LGBT movements: Political Participation in an International Comparative Perspective. Routledge: New York  

Suchanow, K. (2020). “How a harsh Polish abortion bill sparked women’s strikes around the world”. Available online:  

Audio Material  

“This is War”: Inside Poland’s Abortion Protests  

Clare Hemmings, Unnatural Feelings: The Affective Life of ‘Anti-Gender’ Mobilisations   o7/04/2021: Social Movements and Migration  

Cantat, C. (2018). The politics of refugee solidarity in Greece: Bordered identities and political mobilization. MigSol Working Paper Series (1)  

Rozakou, K. (2018). Solidarians in the land of Xenios Zeus: Migrant deportability and the radicalization of solidarity. In Dalakoglou, D.; Agelopoulos, D. (2018). Critical Times in Greece: Anthropological Engagements with the Crisis. Routledge: New York  

Rygiel, K. (2011). Bordering solidarities: migrant activism and the politics of movements and camps at Calais. Citizenship Studies 15:1, 1-19  

Visual Material  

“Scirocco: A case against deportation”  

“Idomeni camp before eviction: refugees in Greece”  

“Inside City Hotel Plaza Athens”   21/04/2021 / 28/04/2021: Social Movements and Ecology  

Compulsory Readings  

Carruthers, D. (2007). Environmental Justice and the Politics of energy on the US-Mexico borders. Environmental Politics, 16:3, 394-413  

Escobar, A. (1998). “Whose knowledge, whose nature? Biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements”. Journal of Political Ecology Vol 5 1998  

Martinez-Alier, J.; Rodriguez–Abajos, B. (2015). “Political ecology of water conflicts”. WIREs Water, 2:537-558  

Rootes, C.; Nulman, E. (2015). “The Impacts of Environmental Movements”. In Della Porta, D.; Diani, M. (2015). The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford University Press: New York  

Visual Material  

“The River Says No”  

“Máxima”, Máxima Acuña, 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize, South and Central America  


Recommended Readings  

“An Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion”. Available at:     05/05/2021: Final group assignments   19/05/2021: Final course assignment deadline


The course has two main objectives: (1) to introduce students to the multidisciplinary approaches to the study of social movements, collective actions, protests and resistance today, and (2) to analyse the role of these phenomena on concrete cases across the globe around the major crises of our time.

Kurz má dva hlavní cíle: (1) seznámit studenty s multidisciplinárními přístupy ke studiu sociálních hnutí, kolektivních akcí, protestů a odporu v současnosti a (2) analyzovat roli těchto jevů na konkrétních případech v souvislosti s hlavními krizemi naší doby.