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Introduction into Central European countries' transformation: law, institutions, politics

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Structure of lectures:  1.1. Old political regimes of Central Europe 21.2.2024 1.2. Transformation process and its (non)European context 28.2.2024 2.1. Political transformation. Executive and Parliament 6.3.2024 2.2. Political transformation. Judiciary 13.3.2024 20.3.2024 no class 3.1. Transitional justice I. Lustrations and symbolic gestures 27.3.2024 3.2 Transitional justice II. Criminal law and rehabilitations 3.4.2024 4.1.  Economic Transition I 29.3.2023   4.2. Economic Transformation II 10.4.2024 4.3. Economic Transformation III 17.4..2024 5. Media 24.4.2024 6. Conclusion: Development after 2010: Transformation 2.1.?  15.5.2024

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Course provides an overview of selected elements of the transformation of Central Europe (V4 states in particular) in the period 1989-2023 with special attention given to the issues of political and legal (dis)continuity and external sources of inspiration of the transformation, including impact of the EU conditionality and membership. The course will also cover current crisis of liberal democracy in the V4 countries and democratic backsliding in Central Europe.

The main topics covered in the course include: 1. Political transformation: creation of new institutions, lustration, criminal rehabilitation 2. Economic transformation: restitution, privatization and economic governance 3. Rule of law: constitutional courts and reform of the ordinary judiciary, reform of the prosecution/prosecutor's office, independence and/or effectiveness of the judiciary