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Society and Culture in Central Eurasia

Předmět na Fakulta sociálních věd |

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(Changes are possible; please check the latest updates) 1.     Introductory Seminar (Brisku & Horák) 20.2. 2.     Caucasus Identities & Demographic Change after the Soviet Collapse (Brisku) 27.2. 3.     Gender and Society in the Caucasus (Brisku) 5.3. 4.     Civil Society, New Media and Digital Activism in the Caucasus (Brisku) 12.3. 5.     Religion and Society in the Caucasus (Brisku) 19.3 6.     Central Asian Identities (Horák) 26.3. 7.     Corruption within Central Eurasian Societies (Horák) 2.4. 8.     Family and Kinship in Central Asia Societies (Horák) 9.4. (online) 9.     Gender and marriages in Central Asia (Horák) 16.4. (online) 10.   Religion and Society in Central Asia (Horák) 23.4. (online) 11.  Music of Uzbekistan. From politics to living rooms and vice-versa (Horák) 30.4. (online) 12.  Migration and its Impact on Central Asian Societies (Horák) 7.5. (online)

Last updated  4 Feb. 24

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The course aims to familiarize the students to often neglected issues of Central Eurasian societies and their cultures. The collapse of the Soviet communist ideology and its secular and modernising imperatives, and the processes of opening up to new opportunities or returning to repressed identities, customs and values, have changed the cultural and societal landscape of this region. Making sense of some of the key aspects these cultural and societal legacies and changes is key for understanding local politics and cultural behaviours.