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Mexiko a Kanada: Politika, ekonomika a společnost

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5. 10. Introduction, Canadian identity and history of Canada since Confederation ( Magdalena Fiřtová)

Mandatory Backgrounder:

S. Lipset, Continental Divide, Chapter 3 (Canadian Identity), Routledge, 1990, Available in the SIS.

For discussion:

Nimijean, Richard, The Paradoxical Nature of the Canadian Identity, Teaching Canada n.23, 2005, 25-31.   12. 10. Political System of Canada: the End of Brokerage Politics? (Magdalena Fiřtová)

Mandatory Backgrounder:

Eagles and Manna: Politics and Government, in Canadian Studies in the New Millenium, by M. Kasoff. Available in the SIS.

For discussion:

John Geddes, This is what's wrong with Canada's Left, Macleans, January 11, 2019,

John Geddes, What's actually standing in the way of right-wing populism in Canada?, Macleans, February 8, 2022,


Karimi, The Flaws of our electoral system, Policy Options, December 2019,

Marland, Election candidates have become brand ambassadors, Policy Options, September 2019, or longer, well-written academic research by Alex Marland, and Angelia Wagner, Scripted Messengers: How Party Discipline and Branding Turn Election Candidates and Legislators into Brand Ambassadors, Journal of Political Marketing, January 2019,

Stephanie Hastick, The Canadian Senate and the election of senators, Federalism-E Volume 23, 82-94,   19. 10. Indigenous Peoples of Canada: Politics of Reconciliation (guest lecture by Denisa Krásná)


Christine Welsh: Finding Dawn (2006); Available at:, Sarah and Mary K. Nagle. “The Rapidly Increasing Extraction of Oil, and Native Women, in North Dakota.” The Federal Lawyer, April 2017: 34-37. 

Recommended by Denisa Krasna

Hargreaves, Allison. “Finding Dawn and Missing Women in Canada: Story-Based Methods in Antiviolence Research and Remembrance.” Studies in American Indian Literatures, 27.3 (2015): 82–111.,, Tracey. “Canada: remains of 215 children found at Indigenous residential school site.” The Guardian, 28 May 2021,, Mali I. “Unsolved murders of Indigenous women reflect Canada’s history of silence.” The Guardian, 25 June 2015,

Glen Coulthard, "From Wards of the State to Subjects of Recognition?", in Theorizing Native Studies by Audra Simpson et al (ed), Duke University Press, 2014, pp. 56-86, pdf in SIS.

Erica Violet Lee, Reconciling in the Apocalypse, March 2016,

The Colonialism of the Present,  An interview with Glen Couthard, Jacobin, 2015,

Taiaiake Alfred and Jeff Corntassel, “Being Indigenous: Resurgences Against Contemporary Colonialism” Government and Opposition: An International Journal of Comparative Politics 40, 4 (2005) 597-614. (e-brary).

Glen Coulthard, “Place Against Empire: Understanding Indigenous Anti-Colonialism,” Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action, Volume 4, Number 2, Fall 2010, pp. 79-83.   26.10. Economic and Political Regionalism of Canada: The End of Laurentian Thesis? (Magdalena Fiřtová)

Mandatory Backgrounder: Michael Broadway, Canada: Too Much Geography?, Chapter 1, pp. 8-35, Available in the SIS.

For Discussion:

Berdahl, Loleen. “The Persistence of Western Alienation.” Institute for Research on Public Policy, May 27, 2021,   2.11. No class due to fire tests in Jinonice Campus 9. 11. Canadian Society: Migration and Multiculturalism (Magdalena Fiřtová)

Backgrounder: Bradshaw, Leah. 2021. "Identity Politics and Multiculturalism: A United States/Canada Comparison." Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 41: 87-99, pdf in SIS.

For discussion:

Alexia Fernández Campbell, The Philosophical Differences on Immigration Between Canada and the U.S., The Atlantic, June 24, 2016,, or pdf Immigration reader.

Tony, Keller, Canada Has Its Own Ways of Keeping Out Unwanted Immigrants,  The Atlantic, July 12, 2018,, or pdf Immigration reader.


Irene Bloemraad, Understanding Canadian exceptionalism in immigration and pluralism policy, Migration Policy Institute, July 2012,

Andrew Griffith, Building a Mosaic: The Evolution of Canada’s Approach to Immigrant Integration, MPI, Migration Policy Institute, November 1, 2017,   4. 1.2024  Foreign policy of Canada ( Magdalena Fiřtová)

Backgrounder: Carment, Nimijean, "Assessing Canada's Liberal Internationalism", in Canadian Political, Social and Historical (Re)visions in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020.


 “The United-States and Canada: Outlook for Bilateral Relations in 2021,” Canada Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center, December 2020:

Bow, Brian and Adam Chapnick, "Teaching Canada-US Relations: Three Debates," International Journal, June 2016, see pdf.

Nord, D. and Smith H.: Canadian Foreign Policy, in Canadian Studies in the New Millenium, by M. Kasoff. Available in the SIS, the book is available in e-brary.

"Canada-U.S. Relations," Outburst-CPAC, November 2018:     16.11.  Mexican history since the revolution (lecturer Lukáš Perutka) 23.11. Political system of Mexico – end of one-party rule? (lecturer Lukáš Perutka) 30. 11. 

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This course explores why it is important to study Mexico and Canada if we want to better understand the nuances of cross-border dynamics on the North American continent. We will analyze these countries from four different perspectives: politics, economics, society, and foreign relations.

Emphasis will be placed on the key current issues facing Mexicans and Canadians today. Individual topics will also address ties with their northern/southern neighbor, the United States, as many of the current issues (emigration, drugs, economic cooperation under the NAFTA/USMCA, Keystone XL, etc.) are transnational in nature and need to be studied from a broader perspective. This course is highly recommended, but not exclusively, to MA students of Territorial studies with a North American specialization.