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Cultural Pluralism and Antidiscrimination in WE and USA

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The course structure is based on the concept of Blended learning and combines online with face-to-face learning. Most of the course work takes place in the moodle environment on I.

Theoretical Framework Date: Topic Week 1 Introduction to the course and terminology (Ethnicity, Race, Culture, Identity) Week 2 No Class Week 3 Introduction - Concept of Multiculturalism Racisms & Discrimination II. Policy ImplicationsWeek 4 Definitions and forms of discrimination / racism Week 5 Policy Options. (Canada, UK, Netherlands, etc) Week 6 Blue Eyed Week 7 Legislative framework: International Instruments (EU, UN) III.

Minority Case StudyWeek 8 The Roma Road (video cum discussion) Week 9 Case Study: The Roma/ Gypsies/ Travellers IV. Country Case Studies - Student PresentationsWeek 10 UK, Czech Republic,? Week 11 Canada, the Netherlands Week 12 Rector's sports day Week 13 ? Conclusion Final debate and grades



The principles of equality, non-discrimination, observance of human rights and protection of ethnic minorities are fundamental European values. One of the traditionally most severely marginalized and excluded groups have been the Roma, Gypsies, and Travellers. The course describes the currents situation and in Europe and aims to explain reasons behind prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination against these ethnic groups and to introduce students to public policy, legal and advocacy measures dealing with these negative phenomena at the global, European and national levels. This course will compare European practices with the North American condition.

The course structure is based on the concept of Blended learning and combines online with face-to-face learning. Most of the course work takes place in the moodle environment on The number of students in the course is limited to 15.

Course Begins in Feb. 19th

There will be no class April 16 and 23rd due to the instructors absence