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International Morality between Ethical Ideals and Reality

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


You can find the whole syllabus attached.


Course outline International morality: does such a thing really exist ? Aren’t nation-states — even democratic ones — ‘cold monsters’ primarily interested in their own power and security ? The answer to both questions is a positive one. Between ethical ideals and realist considerations, not only NGOs, but states, too, act ethically at times. Why ? When ? How ? This course shall discuss these issues and, based on my research, examine an alternative to the liberal Human Rights agenda. You can find the full syllabus attached. This is a block course, available for master students or advanced undergraduates (who should discuss enrolment with the teaching assistant). Six teaching sessions, always 9:00 to 12:00:

1. Thursday October 5th, 2023

2. Thursday October 12th

3. Thursday November 2nd

4. Thursday November 9th

5. Thursday November 23rd

6. Thursday December 7th Non-compulsory Q & A session: Tuesday December 12th Oral exam date: Thursday December 14th, 2023 In case of any questions, please, contact Zuzana Krulichová.