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EU Migration Policies

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Week 1:   Introduction

Week 2:   Migration Theories and Terminology

Week 3:   International Pillars of Human Rights Protection

Week 4:   EU Migration Primary Legal Framework

Week 5:   EU Migration Secondary Law

Week 6:   EU Migration Soft Policy Tools

Week 7:   Immigrant Integration in the EU

Week 8:   International and European System of Refugee Protection

Week 9:   EU Asylum Secondary Law

Week 10:  EU Refugees Crisis of 2015

Week 11:  Irregular Migration to Europe

Week 12:  Visiting Lecturer

Week 13:  Substitute lecture 16.1.2024   Examination (in the form of a role-playing game)


The course EU Migration Policies is designed for Master students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, enrolled in Czech or visiting MA programmes. It offers a basic overview of the complex framework of EU migration policies.