1. Žalmy - základní charakteristika a struktura Žaltáře
2. Žalmy - literární výrazové prostředky a teologické poselství
3. Exegeze Žl 130
4. Píseň písní
5. Pláč
6. Fenomén moudrosti a sapienciální literatura
7. Přísloví
8. Stručná exegeze Př 1 - 9 se zaměřením na Př 8
9. Job. Exegeze Job 28
10. Kazatel
11. Sirachovec. Exegeze Sir 24
12. Kniha Moudrosti. Exegeze Mdr 9
Besides two minor poetical books (Cant and Lam), the attention is focused on Psalms, that represent the main prayer book of both Israel and The Church. The basic explanation of the psalms, of their special stylistic features, principal literary genres and symbolics is included.
Then a general introduction to the questions concerning the wisdom literature follows. This literature is documented by five wisdom books of the Old Testament (Prov, Job, Ecc, Sir, Wis), that differ externally but still complement each other. To their brief historical, literary and theological characteristics the anlysis of selected texts is added.