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The New Testament Epistles 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1) Literary and archaeological sources of Paul's research.

2) Chronology of Paul's life and influence

3) An overview of Paul's life and his missionary activities

4) Hellenistic and New Testament epistolar literature: formal requirements and rhetorical questions

5) The question of pseudoepigraphy in early Christianity

6) 1st and 2nd Letters to the Thessalonians: introduction questions, literary characteristics and theological themes

7) Corinthian correspondence: introduction questions, literary characteristics and theological themes

8) The Letter to the Galatians: introduction questions, literary characteristics, and theological themes

9) The Letter to the Romans: introduction questions, literary characteristics, and theological themes

10) Reading the Greek text and exegesis 1 Cor 1:18-31

11) Reading the Greek text and exegesis 2 Cor 12: 1-12

12) Reading of the Greek text and exegesis of Gal 2: 14-21


The course introduces into the life and missionary activity of the Apostle Paul primarily through studying the biblical texts and other accessible historical sources. The key point of the course is in studying the Paul´s letters, their literary and rhetorical aspects and especially their theological themes that are a point of departure for a systematic reflexion for students of theology.

The languague of teaching: Czech

Foreign students can participate on the course by individual studying the recommended literature and by consultations with the teacher.

Languages of communications: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Slovak.

Students will elaborate a paper on a chosen topic in any of these languages: Czech, Slovak, Polish, English, German, Italian, Spanish, French.