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Biblical Ecclesiology

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1. Old Testament Foundations of Ecclesiology

2. Marcan Ecclesiology: The Community of Disciples and the Kingdom of God

3. Matthean Ecclesiology: The Messianic People

4. Lucan Ecclesiology: Israel and the Church

5. The Community of Elected and Called in Christ: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

6. The Community of Consedrated in Christ: 1 and 2 Corinthians

7. The Community of Justified in Christ: Galatians and Romans

8. The Imitation of Christ and the Transformation in Christ: Philippians and Philemon

9. The Mystery of Christ and of the Church: Colossians and Ephesians

10. The Church - the House of God: Pastoral Epistles

11. A Community of Faith and Love: Johannine Writings

12. The Wandering People of God: The Epistle to the Hebrews

13. The People of God and a Practical Wisdom: The Epistle of James

14. The People of God in a Trial: 1 and 2 Peter and Jude

15. The People of God and His Victory: The Book of Revelation


This course presents the Old Testament foundations of the theology of God's people and introduces various perspectives on the New Testament church based on this foundation. In addition to a basic systematic survey, students will be introduced to selected Gospel and epistolary texts that portray the mystery of the church in its essential, institutional, charismatic, and soteriological dimensions.