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Seminar on Biblical Anthropology 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1. Introduction: Basic hermeneutical principles of biblical anthropology: obedience to God's word, the whole of Scripture, man in relationship, man in history

2. Human being created by God, text Gen. 2:4-7

3. The human being made of earth: transience, mortality, human weakness, but the hope of resurrection

4. "Divine" breath in man - man as the image of the living God; text Gen. 1:26-27: man as shepherd of living creatures, called to produce life, son of God and responsible for life

5. Man is to realize God's justice - the role of wisdom

6. Special types of God's image in man: king and prophets

7. Jesus of Nazareth, true man, image of God; Christian - God's image

8. Man in the garden, text Gen. 2:8-20

9. Food for man: material and spiritual food

10. The prophetic promise of the eschatological feast

11. Bread given by Christ

12. Food in Christian communities

13. Work as a task entrusted to man: laws about work, work and prayer, the necessity and limits of human work

14. Human work and God's "work": work - service - office, Paul's apostolic work

15. Animals as help to man: help for life and the importance of animals on the way to wisdom

16. Help in the Old Testament cult


During the seminar, two thematic areas of biblical anthropology are discussed, which the basic study text - the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, What Is Man? (see bibliography) - defines as: a) Human being created by God, and b) Man in the garden. Selected biblical texts thematize man as God's image, which has its origin and goal in God, and his basic life coordinates, such as food, work and the role of animals in man's life.