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Seminar on Biblical Anthropology 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1. Reading and exegesis of Gen 2:21-25

2. Love between a man and a woman: love song, beauty, mutual search and desire for communion, unique relationship, fragile love, celebration of the feast; love song becomes prayer; judgment of the wise men and their admonitions

3. Marital union in human history: problems, norms and their transgression (polygamy, "mixed" marriages, divorce, incest, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality)

4. Marriage in prophetic perspective

5. Jesus' example and teaching: Jesus and women, celibacy for the kingdom of God

6. Paul's teaching: on marriage, on celibacy

7. Love between parents and children

8. Sibling love

9. History of nations and Israel - a people of brothers: a people in solidarity, a people at war, conflicts between citizens, conflicts between nations

10. Brotherhood founded by Jesus and based on Christian faith


During the course of the seminar, one topic area of biblical anthropology is discussed, which the basic study text, the Pontifical Biblical Commission document, What is Man? (see bibliography) - defines as the "Human Family". It deals with such important themes as love between man and woman, the marriage union in human history and the problems and transgressions of God's law associated with it, Jesus' and Paul's teaching on marriage and celibacy, love between parents and children, and sibling love in the narrow and broader sense of the term as civic cohabitation.