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The Propedeutic Seminar of Art History 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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V zimním semestru budou probírány základní pojmy k technikám výtvarného umění, hagiografii, ikonografii, metodologii, liturgice a pod. Proseminář povede Dr.

Magdaléna Nespěšná Hamsíková.


The Propedeutic Seminar of Art History offers students practical learning and deepening of the theoretical knowledge of the basic methodological and terminological apparatus of art history with a special emphasis on openness to a whole range of methods and variants, their application depending on the studied material. The results of the seminar study will be verified in papers and during excursions so that students leaving the seminar are able to independent professional works with literature and sources in the widest sense of the word.

The preparation of graduates of the seminar will be the basis for their further vocational training in follow-up specialized seminars and lectures.