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History of Ancient Art

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Artur Evans a umění minojské kultury

Parthenon a athénská akropole

Artefakty Akropolského a Národního archeologického muzea v Athénách

Athénská agora

Chrám Athény Afaie na ostrově Aegina a Diův chrám v Olympii

Myrónův  Diskobolos – antický ideál tělesné krásy a duchovní dokonalosti 

Cortile di Belvedere a papežské sbírky antického umění (Apollón Belvedérský, Láokoón)

Ara Pacis (oltář míru) – od císaře Augusta po Richarda Meiera, Portlandská váza ve sbírkách Britského muzea a římské sklo

Hadriánova vila v Tivoli a Pantheon

Antické sochy ve sbírkách rodu Farnese – Národní archeologické muzeum v Neapoli  


Through selected topics from Greek and Roman art (see schedule), students will be introduced to important architectural realizations, famous sculptural and painting works, as well as objects of applied art. Lectures are concerned not only with selected buildings and art objects but also with the role which these works played in the following centuries, especially in the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classicism, how they influenced the artistic taste of the time, what importance was given to them in the context of collecting and building private and public art collections.

The importance of archaeological discoveries during the 18th and especially the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the export of ancient art objects, and the related issues of cultural repatriation will also be pointed out. Contemporary museum realizations and their historical contexts will also be mentioned (Acropolis Museum in Athens by Bernard Tschumi; Ara Pacis by Richard Meier).

Themes are selected across areas of fine art from the art of Minoan culture to Roman times; for selected examples of works of art, their iconographic significance will be reminded. The aim is to present the essence of ancient art, which subsequently formed the basis for the European artistic tradition in the following periods.