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Royal Women in the Visegrad Region: cult and art associated with them 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Zimní semestr: 1.  Úvod - vymezení časové, územní i politické 2.  Role světců ve středoevropských dynastiích do konce 12. století a jejich úcta 3.  Role světic ve středoevropských dynastiích ve 13. století 4.  Ženská spiritualita ve 13. století (hagiografie, životy, askeze) 5.  Sv. Alžběta Durynská: život, kult a ikonografie 6.  Sv.

Hedvika Slezská: život, kult a ikonografie 7.  Panna Marie: kult a ikonografie v Uhrách (prof. Mária Prokop) 8.  Mariánske obrazy v krumlovskom kódexe (Cod.

Vind. 370) (prof. Ivan Gerát) 9.  Sv.

Anežka Česká: život, kult a ikonografie I. 10. Sv.

Anežka Česká: život, kult a ikonografie II. (exkurze do Anežského kláštera) 11. Sv.

Markéta Uherská, sv. Kinga Polská, Bl.

Jolanta: život, kult a ikonografie 12. Vánoční prázdniny 13.

Vánoční prázdniny 14. Shrnutí - test


This course will deepen knowledges of its participants about the historical, theological and cultural importance of royal women in Central European context in the 13th century. The participants will be familiar with the cult of them in Central Europe and also outside of this area. They will get a comprehensive overview about the artistic monuments which are associated with these saints (architecture, illuminated manuscripts, sacred images, liturgical objects). The women who will be the subject of this course played a crucial role in the history of Central

Europe, especially in 13th century. Many of them were after their death canonized (St. Elisabetz of Thuringia, St.

Hedviga), but also those of them who were canonized much more later (St. Agnes) became a role model for the whole Central Europe society. Around many women a cult developed that influenced women´s spirituality and inspired remarkable artistic production.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Consultations can be conducted in Czech, English.