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Synoptic History of Ancient and Medieval Art 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |



-Prehistory as source for Ancient art

-Civilisitation and Art of the Ancient states as the basis of classical antiquity

-Ancient Greece

- Rome

-Paleochristian Arts

-Byzantine Golden Age

-Art of Germanics and other barbarians

-Carolingian Renaissance and Great Morava

-Ottonian Renaissance and Romanesque style


The course of ancient and medieval art conveys the audience a comprehensive image of the basic outlines of ancient and medieval art, from its origins and foundations in Celtic and Egyptian civilization up to the Late Gothic.

Transformations of the individual fields of art (architecture, sculpture, painting and applied art) will be placed in context of the specific historical situation and confronted with changes in contemporary philosophy, so that the style and content correlation of the preserved monuments will unveil the nature of the observed epoch. The Czech medieval art will be studied in the same method, with relationship with Europe-wide development. The winter semester will be concluded by Romanesque art.

Si offre la possibilità di consultare nella lingua italiana dopo il previo accordo.