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Profan iconography 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |




- Characters from the history of ancient Rome, Virgil, Titus Livius: Cato, Caesar, Kimon and Pero, Cleopatra, Cornelia, Decius Mus, Lucretia, Marcus Curtius, Mucius Scevola, Horatius, Romulus and Remus, Sabines, Scipio, Seneca, Sophonisba, Virginia, Zenobia.

- Figures from the history of ancient Greece: Alexander the Great, Apelles, Archimedes, Aristotle, Diogenes, Heracleitos and Democritus, Socrates, Milon.

- Ovid: Metamorphoses

- Music: Apollo, Orpheus, Muses, musical instruments, arts, sciences.

- Cupid, Heavenly and Earthly Love, Cupid and Psyche

- Dante Alighieri, Ludovico Ariosto, Giovanni Battista Marino, Pastor Fido, Torquato Tasso

- Iconology and Emblematics: Ripa, Iconology, Vincenzo Cartari, Piero Valeriano, Hieroglyphica, Natale Conti, Andrea Alciati


This course covers the topic of secular iconography in the visual arts from the classical antiquity to the 20th century. Attention will be paid to classical mythology, allegories, personifications, basics of emblematics, intermingling of secular and sacred iconography at selected works of art.