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Curatorship of art exhibitions 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


19. 2. 2020 KTF   26. 2. 2020 the lesson is not held 4. 3. 2020  an excursion to Litoměřice   11. 3. 2020 (14.00 - 17:00) NG Veletržní palác - 1796-1918: Umění dlouhého století  18. 3. 2020 (14.00 - 17:00) NG Veletržní palác  - 1918-1938: První Republika +  1930-současnost: České moderní umění  25. 3. 2020 the lesson is not held 27. 3. 2020 - an excursion to Brno MG 1. 4. 2020 (14.00 - 17:00) NG Schwarzenberský palác - Staří mistři  8. 4. 2020 the lesson is not held - Easter Holiday   15. 4. 2019 KTF, 13:45 Grand Prix  22. 4. 2020 the lesson is not held 24. 4. 2020 Friday -  an excursion to Alšova jihočeská galerie   29. 4. 2020 the lesson is not held 

During May the lessons are not held


The subject of the seminar is an analysis of exhibition curatorial concepts. In this summer semester, we will deal with interpretations of permanent exhibitions. It is not a guided tour, but an analysis and critical evaluation of the theoretical background of the exhibition concept, the success of its application in realization, the visual aspects of the exhibition and accompanying publications, the quality of accompanying programs, PR evaluation, communication with the public. During joint analyzes directly in exhibitions, there will be a mutual comparison and reveal of the specific "role" of the curator in the preparation of the exhibition.

We will be focused on permanent exhibitions of the National Gallery in Prague, Galleries, and Museums of the Diocese of Litoměřice and Aleš's South Bohemian Gallery. Then we will evaluate the exhibitions in the form of a Grand Prix curatorial concept. Seminars will be held according to the schedule stated in the syllabus.