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Czech and Central European Renaissance 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Syllabus v hlavních bodech: 1. Úvod k metodologii, pojem severské a stčedoevropské renesance, bibliografie 2. Historická situace, doba poslední třetiny 15. století v zemích Koruny české 3.

Umělecká reprezentace krále Matyáše Korvína a jeho dvora 4. Referenční body v Itálii a jejich odraz ve střední Evropě 5.

Doba Jagellonská v českých zemích a počátky renesance


The subject is focused on architecture, painting, sculpture and art craft in Bohemia during the period of the Jagiellons and first Habsburgs, of the age of Renaissance and Mannerism. The lectures deal with the European context of the renaissance, the phenomenon of humanism and the stylistic and cultural prerequisites that have contributed to the formation of the cultural and artistic environment in our country.

Emphasis is placed on ways of artistic representation of rulers, nobility, church and burgess. An imagery material is an integral part of the lectures.