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Architecture of the 19th century 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Klasicismus a empír ve službách nobility (Kačina, Kynžvart, Nové Hrady ad.) Zámky uprostřed přírody - koncepce romantismu, zrod parku Regotizace a rekonstrukce šlechtických sídel - (Hluboká, Žleby, Sychrov, Lednice) Bernard Grueber a recepce gotiky Ignác Ullmann, Josef Zítek, Antonín Barvitius - recepce renesance Dostavba katedrály v Praze (Kranner, Mocker, Hilbert) „Hledání národního slohu“ (A. Wiehl, J.

Vejrych) Venkovská a lidová architektura - její vliv a ochrana Urbanistický rozvoj historických měst a „zrození velkoměsta“ Nástup moderny


The course aims to introduce the historiography of the late 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century architecture of the Czech lands in the context of social changes and construction development in Austro-Hungarian monarchy and Central Europe. Lectures present development tendencies, constructions built in Bohemia and

Moravia and their personalities. Attention will be given to local specifics and “national” discourse on architecture recorded in period press as well. Two of the lectures will be led by architects specializing in the field of restoration of structures. Course comes after the winter lectures focused on the 19th century world architecture.

Upon successful course completion, students will get a broad overview of architecture development from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century in the social and thought context. They will recognize key architects or structures, will be able to critically evaluate architectural qualities and key architectonic elements.