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Cultural and Social Anthropology 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The following topics will be discused in the lectures: 1: Kuhnian conception of science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 2: Max Weber: Society, human action, concept of science (rationalisation, disenchantment). 3: “Prehistory” of anthropological thinking; Evolutionism (Lamarc, Darwin; Tylor, Morgan, Frazer). Theory of matriarchy (Maine, McLennan, Bachofem). 4: Diffusionism (Ritter, Ratzel a Frobenius + Graebner, Schmidt).

Franz Boas. 5:.British functionalism. Malinowski.

Radcliffe-Brown. 6: Methods of anthropological research. 7: “Configurationism”: Whorf, Sapir; Mead, Benedict. 8. British "action-centred" anthropology.

Gluckman, Leach, Turner. 9: French structuralisms. Claude Lévi-Strauss. 10: Interpretative anthropology.

Evans-Pritchard, Mary Douglas, Clifford Geertz.