2) Petr Brandl
3) Václav Vavřinec Reiner
Sylabus 1) Jak Kryštof Liška2) Petr Brandl3) Václav Vavřinec Reiner
The two semester course is focused on the interpretation of selected works of art within a wider context. Panel paintings of the 17th and 18th centuries in Bohemia and Moravia are going to be especially discussed.
Lectures are going to be structured as methodologically elaborated profounder insights into particular cases of interpretation of artistic monuments. The emphasis will be placed on deepening knowledge of sacral and profane iconography and on a mutual interconnection between space and selected iconographical subjects.
Lectures are going to be dedicated to main personalities of Czech artistic millieu (Karel Škréta, Antonín Stevens, Jan Jiří Hering, Jan Jiří Heinsch, Petr Brandl, Michael Willmann, Jak Kryštof Liška ad.)