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Walk through the Bohemian artistic centre. From 15th till 18th century

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


Students will be actively involved in the classes by presenting their own short papers on specific topics connected with lectures. Students are expected to be involved in independent working outside the lectures and presenting their papers in advance by email.


The course "Walk through the Bohemian artistic center. From 15th till 18th century" will be held in English by the Ph.D. students of the History of the Christian Art of the Catholic Theological Faculty Charles University in Prague.

The main focus of this seminar is to get to know and understand the Art in the Lands of the Bohemian Kingdom in the field of architecture and painting, focusing on Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque. This course will be taught via interactive excursions for a better understanding of the works of art in their original place.

The excursions will take palace at least once a month.