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theory and practice of the museology

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


During the lectures, students will be acquainted in general with the character of a museum institution. Attention is focused on its organization, with emphasis on managing collections of artistic nature.

We will introduce the basic legal and methodological regulations, which arise from the law, which the curator must follow when administering the collection. We will explain what the collecting activity entails, what is the importance of the central register of collections (CES), how to proceed with the registration of collection items (the system of cataloging the collection items - program Bach / Demus).

We will show you how to prepare designs for the conservation and restoration of works of art (ISO project) and how the digitization of collection items (e-collections, Athena project) proceeds. We will also take a closer look at the agenda connected with the lending and borrowing of collection items, as well as the issue of export of collection items abroad.

Students will try to apply this theoretical (administrative) knowledge in the framework of simulated examples of museum institutions using prescribed forms of the Ministry of Culture. The educational function of the museum is related to the presentation of museum collections to the public in the form of exhibitions, accompanying programs and publications.

Students will, therefore, try to develop their own design project (libretto, screenplay), which will reflect on the issue of work with the exhibition space. Through visits to selected institutions and consultations with their museum workers, especially in the art-historical collection.