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Selected Chapters from the Medieval History of Visual Culture 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


Introduction to the cycle. Historical context. Relations between regions in Central Europe, especially to the countries of the Bohemian Crown

- Functions of paintings in the late Middle Ages and genres

- Late medieval altars:

- Hans Holbein the Elder

- Hans Raphon

- Albrecht Dürer

- Lucas Cranach the Elder

- Portrait painting - especially in relation to court culture (Wittelsbach; Court in Wittenberg); functions and forms of the portrait

- German Reformation. Creation of new iconographic themes. Relationships of the Reformation in German-speaking areas to the Reformation in Bohemia and Moravia

- Lucas Cranach as the creator of Lutheran visuality

- Reception of Cranach painting in Bohemia and Moravia  


The series of lectures in the winter semester will focus on the knowledge of late Gothic painting in German-speaking countries. Particular attention will be paid to learning about the paintings of Hans Holbein the Elder and the Younger, Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach the Elder. The main attention will be paid to iconography and interpretation of certain topics, their development in the late Middle Ages and their transformation in the coming modern age. Special attention will be paid to the reception of the work of German masters in the lands of the Bohemian Crown, in more detail the cycle will focus on the interpretation of iconographic themes that found a response in the domestic environment.

(Teaching in the winter semester is provided by Dr. Olga Kotková, in the summer by Doc. Michaela Ottová.)