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Connoisseurship and Art Market 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The structure of the lectures: chapters from the history of connoisseurship from Renaissance until today (the role of an expert in culture history: Michelangelo, Vasari, Baldinucci, Crowe, Cavalcasele, Morelli, Berenson, Bode, Frienländer, Tietze, Kramář, Neuman, Šafařík, specific schools of connoiseurship in present days), elementary terms of connoisseurship: techinique, function, style, authorship, datation, the role of an art expert in state or private collections, the role of an art expert in the art market, issues of cultural monuments and national cultural monuments and their sale; basic procedures for determining the author of a work of art and its dating; evaluation of the results of chemical-technological and restoration research; signature issues on works of art; provenance of works of art; publishing of works of art.


Lectures will focus on the basic principles of expertise in sculpture, painting, drawing and graphics. They focus on their material and technique, evaluate their possible adjustment, teach the basics of chemical-technological and restoration research, explain the basics of cultural and historical research and supplement the procedures for stylistic analysis and determination of the function of the work of art.

It will be important to have a specific expert work with selected works of art, on which the described methods will be rebuilt. The students will get acquainted with the forms of trade in works of art in the historical context, but also in the present, such as galleries, auctions, art fairs, etc.