Rámcový obsah přednášek:
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art The Ringling Sarasota, Florida
Muzeum a zahrady Vizcaya, Miami Florida + Honolulu – Shangri La, Hawaii
The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens, Los Angeles
Whitney Museum a MoMA v New Yorku
Legion of Honor Art Museum v San Francisco + Croker Art Museum v Sacramento
Muzea v San Diegu
Muzea domorodých Američanů - Museums of American Indians
Muzea afrického a asijského umění v USA
Newyorská muzea 1
Newyorská muzea 2
Norton Simon Museum + LACMA, Los Angeles
BROAD v Los Angeles + SFMOMA + muzea v MIAMI
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the origin and development of museum and gallery institutions in the USA in a sociocultural context. The formation and growth of American collections are based on European patterns, and from this perspective, American collections will be examined.
It will be reminded how American collectors acquired European masterpieces in their collections, what ties they had to the European art market, what contacts they maintained with art dealers during the period. The course is structured on the basis of chronology, typology, and meaning of selected museum and gallery institutions.
The architectural form of museum and gallery objects, the character of the collection, and its development will be analyzed, as well as personalities associated with it will be discussed.